This is probably one of the book that I know the length and the breadth of it. I don’t remember how many times I’ve re-reread it. I’ve watched all the most popular screen version of the novel. It doesn’t depend on movie format it can be a full motion film or a soap opera.
This creation by Jane Austen has had lots of admirers all over the world for almost two hundred years. Many famous and outstanding literature personalities were followers and fans of this book and Jane Austen’s works in general.
I’ve read the book from cover to cover. And I’m sure I’ll do it again. I was so crazy about it that I re-read it in original translation. It was quite difficult, but when I finished I felt a satisfaction that I didn’t give up without a fight at the beginning, when I faced enormous amount of unclear words.
I like reading this book first of all because of well-drawn people’s characters. Every next re-reading I always find something brand new that I’ve not noted previous time. This is the false mirror of people’s soles and weaknesses that help to see clear common mistakes in behavior of main characters. It’s a kind of a reference book how we shouldn’t conduct if we really want to be a respectful and an honorable person. At the same time the novels help to broaden our outlook. A social status of women in comparison with men is reflected in the book. The book is full of sharp satire towards the disadvantages of the education between a swell society and sidesmen.
Some characters make feel feelings of sympathy, another ones arose misunderstanding in a way of their conduct.
The plot centers around an English family with five daughters. The mother’s main purpose to make married all of them as quickly as possible. The father’s appreciate only two oldest one and doesn’t mind about others and hides from all the life problems in his library. Permissiveness and lack of education get their results at the end.
Author focuses our attention on love stories of two eldest sisters. During all book every event links with them. Mistakes and winnings of their relatives hurt or help two young ladies achieve the most desirable goal in life — to get married happily. Some may think that this is a chick lit. but there is an intelligent and a hidden meaning in characters dialogues. How much wit some of them shows to hide misbehave of precious to the people. Especially I love that part when main heroes made hard attempts to change themselves to correct offences which they’ve done. They don’t just apologize, they support each other in the most difficult moments, they don’t wait for approving of actions and do all their best.
Definitely there is a happy ending because main characters have recognized and regret their sins. And even didn’t wait for forgiveness but after all get the most expensive treasure. They’ve made such a long way from hatred to understanding each other even without a word. This is a conformation of proverb ‘from love to hate one step’ only from another side.
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English meals topic.
My favorite book ‘Pride and Prejudice’