Museums and Art Galleries in London


London is the main Britain’s tourist attraction. The city is known for its ancient cathedrals, churches and particularly for its art museums and galleries.

The British museum is one of the world’s greatest treasure stores. It was founded in 1753 on the collections of Sir Hans Sloane. The money to house them was raised by public lottery. Today the museum has two departments — the Museum of Mankind and the Natural History Museum. The Museum of Mankind includes a vast collection of antiquities, including marbles from the Parthenon, the Rosetta Stone that provided the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics, ancient works of art in stone, bronze and gold, a collection illustrating Western Asiatic civilizations. The Natural History Museum contains five principal collections on the history of plants, minerals and the animal kingdom. A series of new permanent exhibitions has been opened in the museum, among them ‘Dinosaurs and their living relatives’.

The National Gallery was founded in 1824 and is one of the greatest museums of art in the world. It is noted for the balance of its collections; all of the important art schools and almost all old Masters are represented there. The rich collection of Dutch masters includes 19 Rembrandts.

Of all London’s great art collections, the Tate Gallery is the most rewarding. It does not cover the whole range of art, but has two distinct collections — British painting and a modern foreign collection. The gallery was opened in 1897 and built by the sugar refiner sir Henry Tate. He also gave to it works from his own collection of British paintings. The Tate covers all that is significant in British painting from the 16th century to the present day. It houses superb Constables, some of most important works of William Blake and important 20th century works. It also possesses a unique collection of Turners. The Tate owns more than 280 of his oil paintings. The sculpture collection includes works by Roden, Epstein, Henry Moore.

Victoria and Albert Museum was opened in 1857 by Prince Albert and included the collections of Museum of Ornamental Art. The art collections grew rapidly. Now they include fine and applied arts of all kinds. They chiefly represent European art and the art of the Near and Far East.

Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Лондон — главная достопримечательность Великобритании, известная своими древними соборами, церквями и особенно художественными музеями и галереями.
2. Британский музей был создан на основе коллекций сэра Ганса Слоуни, средств, собранных по подписке, и является одной из основных сокровищниц мира.
3. Музей человечества — это часть Британского музея, включающая обширную коллекцию древностей, в том числе мраморную скульптуру из Парфенона, Розеттский камень, который послужил ключом к египетским иероглифам, и другие произведения искусства.
4. Музей естественной истории содержит пять основных коллекций по истории растений, минералов и животного мира и ряд постоянных выставок.
5. Национальная галерея известна сбалансированностью своих коллекций, в которых представлены все важные художественные школы.
6. Галерея Тейт не охватывает все разнообразие искусства, но является самой интересной из крупных художественных коллекций Лондона и охватывает все значительные произведения живописи с XVI века до наших дней.
7. Она содержит великолепные работы Констебля и Блейка и значительные работы XX века, а также уникальное собрание картин маслом Тернера и ценную коллекцию скульптур.
8. Музей Виктории и Альберта включает собрание Музея декоративного искусства и отличные произведения прикладного искусства, которые представляют искусство Европы, Ближнего и Дальнего Востока.

1. London is the main Britain’s tourist attraction known for its ancient cathedrals, churches and particularly for its art museums and galleries.
2. The British museum was founded on the collections of Sir Hans Sloane and the money raised by public lottery and is one of the world’s greatest treasure stores.
3. The Museum of Mankind is a part of the British Museum and includes a vast collection of antiquities, including marbles from Parthenon, the Rosetta Stone which provided the key to Egyptian hieroglyphics and other ancient works of art.
4. The Natural History Museum contains five principal collections on the history of plants, minerals and the animal kingdom and a series of permanent exhibitions.
5. The National Gallery is famous for the balance of its collections representing all of the important art schools.
6. The Tate Gallery doesn’t cover the whole range of arts but it is the most rewarding of all London’s great art collections and comprises everything that is significant in arts from the 16th century to the present day.
7. It houses superb Constables and Blakes and significant 20th century paintings, as well as a unique collections of oil paintings by Turner and a valuable sculpture collection.
8. Victoria and Albert Museum includes the collections of the Museum of Ornamental Arts and superb apllied arts which represent the art of Europe and the Near and Far East.

Из пособия «ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы» Занина Е. Л. (2010, 272с.) — Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.

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Museums and Art Galleries in London