
Q: What is the difference between a saxophone and a chainsaw? A: It’s all in the grip. Q: What is the difference between a lawnmower and a soprano sax? A: You can tune the

Playgirl Rejection Letter

November 30, 1995 PLAYGIRL, INC. Dear Mrs. Smith, We wish to thank you for your letter and the polaroid picture of your husband. We agree that his appearance in our March issue as the

A little old lady sits at the luncheonette counter

A little old lady sits at the luncheonette counter and orders a hamburger. The huge guy behind the counter bellows, “ONE BURGER!” The cook, who’s even bigger, screams, “BUR-GER!” Whereupon he grabs a huge

Clean St. Patrick’s Day Humor

In hearing an Irish case of assault and battery, counsel, in cross examining one of the witnesses, asked him what they had the first place they stopped at. “Four glasses of ale,” was the

Two bags

Mr. Goldfarb was walking down the street. In each arm he carried a bag. He ran into Mr. Klein. Mr. Klein asked, “What are those bags for?” “I’m collecting for Israel”, said Mr. Goldfarb.


A foursome is waiting at the men’s tee when another foursome of ladies are hitting from the ladies tee. The ladies are taking their time and when finally the last one is ready to

The WORK virus

There is a new virus. The code name is WORK. If you receive WORK from your colleagues, your boss, via e-mail, or from anyone else, do not touch it under any circumstances. This virus

Fighting Irish Humor

McNally was taking his first plane ride, flying over the Rocky Mountains. The stewardess handed him a piece of chewing gum. “It’s to keep your ears from popping at high altitudes,” she explains. When

If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked

If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn’t it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?

How to hunt elephants – Lawyers style

How to hunt elephants – Lawyer’s style Lawyers don’t hunt elephants, but they do follow the herds around arguing about who owns the droppings. Software lawyers will claim that they own an entire herd
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