Ask your question

One day at a trial, an eminent psychologist was called to testify. A severe, no-nonsense professional, she sat down in the witness chair, unaware that its rear legs were set precariously on the back


No no, the question is: How many USENET posters does it take to change a lightbulb? A1. Define “change” A2. How do you know the lightbulb is out? A3. Don’t use the word “posters”

A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife

A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in – law. One evening, while still deep in the jungle, the Mrs awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she

An old man and an old lady are getting

An old man and an old lady are getting ready for bed one night when all of a sudden the woman bursts out of the bathroom, flings open her robe and yells: “Super Pussy!”

Buy me bras!

“Dad, can i ask you something?” “Sure! What about?” “You see, I’m already fourteen and…I think it’s just proper that i should own one.” “And what is this ‘one’ you’re referring to?” “Could you

Robinson came home in great excitement and said to his wife

Robinson came home in great excitement and said to his wife, “You’ll never believe it, dear, but I’ve discovered an entirely new position for lovemaking.” “Really,” said Mrs. Robinson, interested at once. “What is

A disabled sea captain

An old sea captain with one wooden leg, one hook replacing a missing hand, and one missing eye goes into a bar. The sailor sitting next to him says, “You’re really in bad shape.

One day, little Billy comes home from kindergarten

One day, little Billy comes home from kindergarten for lunch. Not finding his mother in the kitchen, or the living room, he heads upstairs to check her bedroom. He opens the door, and what

The Pope calls a meeting of all the cardinals

The Pope calls a meeting of all the cardinals. When they have all assembled at the Vatican, he takes them into the meeting hall and states, “I have some really fantastic news and some

I know I haven’t known you very long and I shouldn’t be asking

I know I haven’t known you very long and I shouldn’t be asking you for this so soon, but I really need it badly. I haven’t had it for a while and I can
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