The Company Commander and the 1st Sgt, were in the field
The Company Commander and the 1st Sgt, were in the field. As they hit the sack for the night, the 1SG said: “Sir, look up into the sky and tell me what you see.”
KENMORE HOSPITAL 61 COMMONWEALTH AVE. BOSTON, MA. 02115 DATE:____________ NAME: ADDRESS: Please be advised that your Oprectomy operation is scheduled for _______________, at ___________(a. m.)(p. m.). The purpose of this Extremely delicate operation is
Little Johnny walks into his primary school
Little Johnny walks into his primary school classroom one morning to be confronted by his teacher. Teacher “Ahh, Good Morning Johnny, and where were you yesterday?” Johnny “I’m sorry Miss, but my Grandad got
During the Vietnam war
During the Vietnam war, a Lieutenant asked a Marine why he was falling back during a really fierce battle. “Didn’t you hear me say that we’re outnumbered 4 to 1 ?” The Marine replied,
A beautiful young girl is about to undergo a minor surgery
A beautiful young girl is about to undergo a minor operation. She’s laid on a trolley bed by a lady in a white dress and brought to the corridor. Before they enter the room
The dean of women at an exclusive girl’s college
The dean of women at an exclusive girl’s college was lecturing her students on sexual morality. “In moments of temptation,” said the speaker to the class, “ask yourself just one question: Is an hour
A little girl came running into the house crying
A little girl came running into the house crying and miserable from a small cut she just received. She asked her mom for a glass of cider. “Why do you want cider?” asked Mom.
Two wives were airing their troubles
Two wives were airing their troubles: “I’d like to get a divorce,” said the first. “My husband and I just don’t get along.” “Why don’t you sue him for incompatibility?” asked the second. “I
Important thoughts
*Question: What is one horsepower? *Answer: One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a horse 500 feet in one second. *You can listen to thunder after lightening and tell how
David Copperfield is doing his magic show and
David Copperfield is doing his magic show and asks if anyone would like to show him a trick. “I will”, replies a guy in the audience, “but I’m going to need your wife Claudia