Giuseppi walks into work, and he says

Giuseppi walks into work, and he says, «Ey, Tony! You know who’s-a George Washington?»

Tony says, «No, Giuseppi, who’s-a George Washington?»

He says, «Hah! George-a Washington’s the first-a President of — a United States. I’m-a go to night school, learn all about-a United States, and become-a U. S.-a citizen.»

A couple of days later, Giuseppi walks into work and says. «Ey, Tony, you know who’s-a Abraham Lincoln?»

Tony says, «No, Giuseppi, who’s-a Abraham Lincoln?»

He says, «Hah! Abaham-a Lincoln is-a sixteenth President of-a the United States. I’m-a go to night school, learn all about-a United States, and become-a U. S.-a citizen.»

A guy in the back of the shop yells, «Yo, Giuseppi. . . you know who Fishlips Lorenzo is?»

He says, «No. Who’s-a Fishlips Lorenzo is?»

The guy yells, «That’s the guy who’s bangin’ your wife while you’re in night school.»

The word libraries comes from the.
Means of communication топик.

Giuseppi walks into work, and he says