It’s been almost three months since I got a haircut and I went to the Barbershop where I always get it cut. But when I got there, the barbershop had been replaced by a Hair salon.
Shinobu: Hi, I used to get my hair cut at the barbershop that was here.
Nicole: Yeah, they closed. We’ve been open for about a month. I can cut your hair.
Shinobu: Uh…I guess that’s okay.
Nicole: Why don’t you come over here and sit down. What do you have in mind?
Shinobu: Well, as you can see, my hair is pretty Curly. When it’s long, it looks like an Afro. I want it to be a lot shorter, but I don’t want a Buzz cut.
Nicole: Are you sure you want to cut it? If you keep it long, you could have great Dreadlocks.
Shinobu: Uh, I’m not sure that that style would work for me.
Nicole: Okay, then. How about if I cut it short on the Sides, leave the Bangs medium length, and then keep the back long?
Shinobu: No, I don’t think that would work, either. I’d like it An inch off the collar in back, Above the ears, No sideburns, with a Part down the right side. I really just need a Trim.
Nicole: Hmm…how about if I Shave your head? You’d look great Bald.
Shinobu: No! I definitely don’t want that. You know what, I just remembered that I’m supposed to be somewhere else right now.
Nicole: Oh, are you sure? I’m sure I know exactly what you want.
Shinobu: I’m sure you do, but I really have to go.
I left that hair salon as quickly as I could. Who knows what would have happened if I’d stayed there? She may have given me a Mohawk!
Buying a ticket диалог.
Стоматолог с пациентом диалог на английском.
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Getting a Men’s Haircut