When 2 people meet for the first time, physical impressions are immediate. Before they have a chance to say a word, their senses are in overdrive. They pick up and store the information about each other. They register looks, smell and body language. Moreover, some people try to establish eye contact unconsciously, but some of them avoid doing this. Within the first seconds they have a mental picture of each other, which is based on the amount of date they`ve collected from the first impressions. However, they are not always accurate.
I`ve recently read the story of one young man, who`s graduated from the university with really good results and got a diplomain banking and accounting and for him first impressions were crucial. After he finished the university, he decided to apply for the position of an accountant at one famous bank; he was highly intelligent guy, by the way. However, he was really keen on rock music, and, as a result, was wearing long wavy hair, which was untidy, and baggy dirty clothes. Although he wore a smart suit to the interview, he didn`t do anything with his hair style. He was intelligent but extremely untidy-looking, and that`s why he was rejected.
However wrong they can be, first impressions are believed to be a vital survival mechanism, which helped people understand how to react in potentially dangerous situations. And that is true nowadays. Moreover, we can learn how to create powerful first impressions. People, who are good at in are called powerful communicators: they get in sync with other people, smile to them and coordinate their body language perfectly. So, if you want to become a powerful communicator, start training, because you only get one chance to make a great first impression!
Перевод текста transport in london.
Любой фестиваль на английском языке.
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First Impressions Matter First — Первые впечатления самые важные