Too much attention is drawn to global disasters such as tsunami and earthquakes these days as they used to be rather frequent at the beginning of a new millenium and were caused by the Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect. Even though the situation has changed significantly and such disasters occur rarely nowadays, the government`s aproach towards then remains the same. Conversely, home emergancy cases are considered to be even more dangerous, thus what really aggravates the siuatuin is the government`s indifference towards them.
The recent scientifir researches have shown that 6 times as many people die in their bathrooms slipping on a wet floor as in a plane crash or earthquake just due to the fact that they are careless and simply inaware of possible home risks. Moreover, a lot of people are killed with electricity while having a shower or hit on the head with a dry tree brabch while gardening because they are safety-unconsious and don`t know how to prevent thenselves from potentially fatal situations at home.
Even though the basics of life safety are included into both school and university curriculum, they are generally aimed at headline-grabbing disasters protection. Furthermore, these lessons are mostly theoretical as the government refuses to fund these courses and support them by buying essential equipment for practical trainings. As a result, people are practically helpless and underprotected, which causws a huge number of deaths.
However, if the government concentrated all possible resourses on both global and home disasters protection education anв more enlightment work was conducted, both urban and rural dwellers wouldbe safety-consious and careful. Moreover, if such work help regularly and was followed by practical lessons, less panic would occur during emergency situations and, as a result, more lifes would be rescued.
My future profession is english teacher.
Topic spring holidays.
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Emergency Situations — Чрезвычайные ситуации