Joann: Oh, are those pictures of your kids?
Artem: Yes. These are my three daughters and these are my two sons.
Joann: Your sons look so alike. Are they similar in Personality, too?
Artem: It’s funny you ask that. My wife and I are always saying how different they are from one another, even though they’re the Closest in age. Sergey, the younger one, is Moody and a little Timid, while his older brother, Dennis, is Talkative and Cheerful all the time.
Joann: That’s really interesting. You know, I have an older sister and we’re only A year apart, but we have very different personalities, too. When I was little, I was Bad-tempered and I always fought with my brothers and sisters, while my sister was a little Angel. She was always Patient and Generous. I really Looked up to her.
Artem: It’s hard for me to believe that you were ever bad-tempered. You’re so Even-keeled now. Me, on the other hand, I was a Selfish and Stubborn kid. I’m surprised that my parents Put up with me.
Joann: I’m sure you’re Exaggerating. All kids are a little selfish and stubborn, I think. Good thing most of us Grow out of it as we get older.
Artem: Well, that may be true, but according to my wife and kids, I’m still the most stubborn person in the world. They may be right.
Биография елизаветы 2 на английском языке.
Children should be seen and not heard.
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