Raul: What are the Chances that Rob will be here on time?
Tiffany: I’d say it’s Fifty-fifty. You never know. He might surprise us and be early.
Raul: Fat chance of that happening. I’ve known him for three years and if I had To stake my life on whether he’ll arrive early or not, I’d be in big trouble.
Tiffany: Don’t Exaggerate. Rob isn’t completely Irresponsible. I’d say there’s a pretty good Probability that he’ll be here when he said he would, especially after he promised.
Raul: His Intentions are good, but he Loses track of time and doesn’t know what day it is half the time.
Tiffany: He told me that he’s trying to change.
Raul: Well, as I said, his intentions are good. He just needs to work on his Follow-through.
Tiffany: Come on, he could be On his way right now.
Raul: Don’t hold your breath. I’ll believe his promises When hell freezes over.
Tiffany: Aren’t you being just a Wee bit cynicaL?
Raul: And aren’t you just Indulging in wishful thinking?
Tiffany: Hey, I think that’s him coming down the road! I think you’d better Eat your words.
Raul: And I think you’d better get glasses.
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