Defending Your Ideas at Work

Monica: That’s why I don’t think it’s Doable. We should consider other ideas.

That was Monica. She’s my co-worker and my Nemesis. She Criticizes all of my ideas, but I’ve learned that the best Defense is to not get Defensive.

Kazuya: I appreciate your Feedback. I understand your Reservations, but let me show you these Figures I’ve Worked up, which I believe will Address your concerns.

I knew Monica would attack my ideas, so I had come prepared.

Monica: That’s all very impressive, but I still think we need to consider other options.

Unfortunately, when Monica Digs in her heels, I know that the only thing to do is To placate her. That plus a Delaying tactic usually works.

Kazuya: Your comments have given me a lot to think about. We’re running short on time and we want to get to the other topics for discussion, so let’s come back to it next week.

Luckily, I know something else about Monica: She has a short Attention span. By next week, she’ll be onto her next Victim!

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Defending Your Ideas at Work