Топик Компьютерная революция рассказывает о том, как много преимуществ получил человек с момента изобретения компьютера. Например, они экономят много времени и редко ошибаются; намного быстрее и проще получить информацию в Интернете, чем просмотреть горы книг в библиотеке; покупки в онлайн-магазинах тоже экономят наше время и деньги; а отправить письмо по электронной почте – быстрее и дешевле, чем отправка обычного письма или телеграммы. И эти «умные машины» продолжают совершенствоваться.
50 years ago people didn’t even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them.
Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on.
Very soon we’ll have computers that we’ll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings.
The next generation of computers will be able to talk and even think for themselves. They will contain electronic «neural networks». Of course, they’ll be still a lot simpler than human brains, but it will be a great step forward. Such computers will help to diagnose illnesses, find minerals, identify criminals and control space travel.
Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don’t agree with them.
They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It’s much faster and easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library. On-line shopping makes it possible to find exactly what you want at the best price, saving both time and money. E-mail is a great invention, too. It’s faster than sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram.
All in all, I strongly believe that computers are a useful tool. They have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn’t we make them work to our advantage?
Why is ecotourism popular nowadays.
Сообщение про хиппи на английском языке.
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