Books in Our Life
“Books and friends should be few but good,” says an English proverb. “Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! They teach us and open their hearts to us as brothers,” wrote Charles Kingsley, an English writer of the 19th century. The book is certainly one of the greatest human inventions. It is a friend and a teacher. We learn many things by reading books. Books teach people to live. After reading some books it is easy to understand what should be done and what must not be done. One can learn a lot by reading books.
There are a lot of libraries in our country, where we can choose any book we need. Everyone has the right to use public libraries. The librarian is always ready to help you to find a book on any subject, even if you do not know the title of the book you want. Those who know how to use the library catalogue can find the books without consulting the librarian.
Talks, exhibitions and other events take place in libraries. Book lists are prepared beforehand to awake a new interest among the visitors. Except reading special and scientific literature it is a great pleasure to read belles-lettres.
Different people like to read different kinds of books. It depends on one’s taste and character. Some people prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much.
As for me, I prefer… My favourite book is… It is very interesting and exciting. The main character of the book is… He (she) is a real personality. He (she) is clever (kind, courageous, strong, merry). I wish to be like him (her).





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