Would you want to have a special Talent in something? Maybe as a musician or an athlete? I’m Of two minds about this. Sometimes I watch TV or read about someone who has a special talent. This was true during the Olympics. Some of those athletes I saw were very talented. Whether it was Playing soccer, running track, ice skating, or doing gymnastic routines, you could see how Gifted they were and how Well-trained And Focused they were. I get the same feeling when I see musicians who can sing well or play an instrument easily. Watching or listening to them can Take your breath away. I sometimes wish I had a special gift like theirs.
On the other hand, I also read about stories of children who are Singled out as having talent early in life. Some of these kids begin training or practicing At the exclusion of Other things kids do, like Hanging out with friends or learning things in other subjects. Some of these kids don’t go to school but are taught at home with tutors instead. They may be sent away to teachers or trainers in other cities, sometimes even without their parents. And, sometimes they spend so much time Developing their talent, they don’t have much time to develop other parts of their lives. These kids often Live under a lot of pressure to perform. I Envy these kids’ talent, but I don’t envy their lives.
I guess maybe it’s not so bad being Mediocre after all. At least that’s what I’ll keep telling myself when I practice this week.
Choosing a career тема по английскому.
Global problems in topic.
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