Victor: We need To take the bull by the horns. In the meeting today, we’re going To give it to them straight, no more Hemming and hawing.
Maura: You’re right. We need to tell them what we really think and Be done with it.
Victor: Definitely. We’ve been Conciliatory long enough. Today, we need to be Insistent without being too Pushy.
Maura: Being Unassuming and Deferential has its place, but not if we seem Meek. We need to be Assertive without being too In-your-face.
Victor: You’re absolutely right. One of us has To speak up.
Maura: Yes, one of us has to be Bold. They’ll have to take us seriously this time.
Victor: Okay, ready?
Maura: Sure, I Have your back.
Victor: Huh? I thought you were going To do the talking.
Maura: Uh, I thought you were.
Victor: Maybe we should wait for the next meeting To take them on.
Maura: I totally agree. It’ll give us a little time To work up to it.
Victor: Exactly!
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Being Assertive and Meek