Two buddies Bob and Earl were two of the biggest baseball fans in America.
Their entire adult lives, Bob and Earl discussed baseball history in the winter, and they pored over every box score during the season. They went to 60 games a year. They even agreed that whoever died first would try to come back and tell the other if there was baseball in heaven.
One summer night, Bob passed away in his sleep after watching the Yankee victory earlier in the evening. He died happy. A few nights later, his buddy Earl awoke to the sound of Bob’s voice from beyond.
«Bob, Is that you?» Earl asked.
«Of course it me,» Bob replied.
«This is unbelievable!» Earl exclaimed. «So tell me, is there baseball in heaven?»
«Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?»
«Tell me the good news first.»
«Well, the good news is that yes there is baseball in heaven, Earl.»
«Oh, that is wonderful! So what could possibly be the bad news?»
«You’re pitching tomorrow night.»
My dream travelling.
History of the olympic games.
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Baseball in Heaven