Bad Pickup Lines
My friend and I were at a restaurant waiting for our Dates to arrive. We sat at the bar and tried to Get The Bartender’s Attention to order a couple of drinks.
My friend, Tanya, is very pretty. She is always being Hit on By men. So, It was no surprise that Five minutes after we sat down, a guy got up from the other side of the bar and walked over to us. He sat down next to Tanya.
He looked at both of us and said, “Hi, I saw you two beautiful ladies Sitting by yourselves over here. Could I buy you two a drink?‚”
Tanya looked at me and Rolled her eyes and said, “No, thanks. We’re waiting for our boyfriends.‚”
We both thought that he would Take the hint And Get lost, but he didn’t.
Instead, he looked at Tanya and said, “Do you come here often?“
Tanya tried to ignore him, but he wouldn’t Give up.
He said, “You look like an Angel. Does heaven know you’ve Escaped?‚”
That Pickup line was so Lame that we almost burst out laughing. Luckily, we didn’t need To keep a straight face for long. Our dates walked in and the guy left. Charlie, my date, apologized for Keeping us waiting. I told him that it was No big deal. We had plenty of entertainment.
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