Значение идиомы cut ice
[cut ice] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make a difference; make an impression; be accepted as important. – Usually used in negative, interrogative, or conditional sentences. When Frank had found a movie he liked, what
Значение идиомы exception proves the rule
[exception proves the rule] Something unusual that does not followa rule tests that rule to see if it is true; if there are too manyexceptions, the rule is no good. – A proverb. Frank
Значение идиомы turn one’s back on
[turn one’s back on] {v. phr.} To refuse to help He turned his back on his own family when theyneeded help. The poorer nations are often not grateful for ourhelp, but still we can
Значение идиомы yak-yak
[yak-yak] or [yakety-yak] or [yakib-yak] {n.}, {slang} Much talkabout little things; talking all the time about unimportant things. Tom sat behind two girls on the bus and he got tired of their sillyyak-yak.
Значение идиомы fair-haired boy
[fair-haired boy] {n.}, {informal} A person that gets specialfavors; favorite; pet. If he wins the election by a large majority, he will become his party’s fair-haired boy. The local boy playingfirst base could do
Значение идиомы bawl out
[bawl out] {v.}, {informal} To reprove in a loud or rough voice; rebuke sharply; scold. The teacher bawled us out for not handing in our homework. Compare: HAUL OVER THE COALS, LIGHT INTO, TELL
Значение идиомы lose out
[lose out] {v.} To fail to win; miss first place in a contest; loseto a rival. John lost out in the rivalry for Mary’s hand inmarriage. Fred didn’t want to lose out to the
Значение идиомы call on the carpet
[call on the carpet] {v. phr.}, {informal} To call before an authority for a scolding or reprimand. The worker was called on the carpet by the boss for sleeping on the job. The principal
Значение идиомы want ad
[want ad] {n.} A small advertisement on a special page in anewspaper that offers employment opportunities and merchandise. “You want a temporary job?” he asked the recent arrival in town. “Goand look at the
Значение идиомы sailor collar
[sailor collar] {n.} A large square collar like those worn bysailors. Little Timmy’s suit has a sailor collar. Mary’s blousehas a sailor collar.