Идиома: take up (where one left off) / pick up (where one left off) Перевод: продолжить что-либо с того момента или места, где кто-либо остановился, закончил Пример: We will pick up where we left
Идиома: get the axe / get the boot / be given the axe Перевод: быть уволенным, получить увольнение Пример: After Bella was caught stealing, she got the axe by her boss. После того, как
[push the panic button] {v. phr.}, {slang} To become very muchfrightened; nervous or excited, especially at a time of danger orworry. John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button. Keep cool;
[hark back] {v.}, {literary} 1. To recall or turn back to anearlier time or happening. Judy is always harking back to the goodtimes she had at camp. 2. To go back to something as
Идиома: above reproach Перевод: не заслуживающий упрека, критики Пример: The actions of the police officer were above reproach. Действия офицера полиции были безукоризненны.
[melting pot] {n. phr.} A country where different nationalitiesmingle and mix with the result that, in the second generation, mostpeople speak the main language of the country and behave like themajority. It is no
[shy away] or [shy off] {v.} To avoid; seem frightened or nervous. The boys shied away from our questions. The horse shied offwhen Johnny tried to mount it.
[glad hand] {n.}, {informal} A friendly handshake; a warm greeting. Father went to the front door to give Uncle Fred the glad hand whenhe arrived. The politician went down the street on election daygiving
[speak out] or [speak up] {v.} 1. To speak in a loud or clearvoice. The trucker told the shy boy to speak up. 2. To speak insupport of or against someone or something. Willie
[box office] {n.}, {informal} 1. The place at movies and theaters where tickets may be purchased just before the performance instead of having ordered them through the telephone or having bought them at a