[clean hands] {n. phr.}, {slang} Freedom from guilt or dishonesty; innocence. John grew up in a bad neighborhood, but he grew up with clean hands. There was much proof against Bill, but he swore
[give-and-take] {n. phr.} 1. A sharing; giving and receiving backand forth between people; a giving up by people on different sides ofpart of what each one wants so that they can agree. Jimmy is
Идиома: take offense (at someone or something) Перевод: обижаться на кого-либо или что-либо Пример: The audience took offense at the remarks by the comedian. Зрители обиделись на комментарии комика.
[safety island] or [safety zone] {n.} A raised area in a highway orroad to be used only by people walking. John was half-way acrossthe street when the light changed. He stayed on the safety
Идиома: last but not least Перевод: последний по порядку, но не по важности Пример: Last but not least the boy came up to the front of the class to receive his report card. Последний
[pin curl] {n.} A curl made with a hair clip or bobby pin. Marywashed her hair and put it up in pin curls. All the girls hadtheir hair in pin curls to get ready
[in the bargain] or [into the bargain] {adv. phr.} In addition;besides; also. Frank is a teacher, and an artist into the bargain. The heat failed, and then the roof began to leak in the
[come from far and wide] {v. phr.} To originate or hail from many different places. The students at this university come from far and wide and speak many languages.
[beside the point] or [beside the question] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Off the subject; about something different. What you meant to do is beside the point; the fact is you didn’t do it. The
[close its doors] {v. phr.} 1. To keep someone or something from entering or joining; become closed. The club has closed its doors to new members. 2. To fail as a business; go bankrupt.