Идиома: step / tread on someone’s toes Перевод: задевать чьи-либо чувства, обижать кого-либо, наступать на больную мозоль Пример: The man is careful that he does not step on anybody’s toes at his company. Этот
Идиома: back and forth Перевод: взад-вперед, туда-сюда Пример: The argument went back and forth before the judge made a decision. Спор все продолжался, пока судья не вынес решения.
[by hook or by crook] {adv. phr.} By honest ways or dishonest in any way necessary. The wolf tried to get the little pigs by hook or by crook. The team was determined to
Идиома: make a fool out of someone Перевод: выставлять себя на посмешище, выглядеть дураком Пример: The secretary made a fool out of her boss when she argued with him at the meeting. Секретарь выставила
[at any rate] {adv. phr.} In any case; anyhow. It isn’t much of a car, but at any rate it was not expensive. Compare: AT LEAST, IN ANY CASE.
[wait at table] or [wait on table] or [wait table] {v. phr.} Toserve food. Mrs. Lake had to teach her new maid to wait on tableproperly. The girls earn spending money by waiting at
Идиома: catch (on) fire Перевод: загореться, вспыхнуть, воспламениться Пример: We were very careful that the wooden house would not catch fire. Мы были очень осторожны, чтобы деревянный дом не загорелся.
[tag end] or [tail end] {n.}, {informal} The end, farthest to therear, last in line, nearest the bottom, or least important. Johnwas at the tail end of his class. Mary’s part in the play
[catch one’s breath] {v. phr.} 1. To breathe in suddenly with fear or surprise. The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath. Compare: TAKE ONE’S BREATH AWAY. 2a. To rest and get
Идиома: play into someone’s hand(s) Перевод: сыграть кому-либо на руку; неосознанно сделать что-либо, что идет на пользу кому-то еще Пример: By accepting a ride in Paul’s car, you played right into his hands. Согласившись