Перевод идиомы at times, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: at times Перевод: иногда, временами, время от времени Пример: At times, our teacher is very nice but at other times she is not nice. Иногда наш учитель очень мила, но иногда она не

Значение идиомы back of

[back of] or [in back of] {prep.} 1. In or at the rear of; to the back of; behind. The garage is back of the house. Our car was in back of theirs at

Значение идиомы from way back

[from way back] {adv. phr.} From a previous time; from a long timeago. They have known one another from way back when they went tothe same elementary school.

Значение идиомы before one can say Jack Robinson

[before one can say Jack Robinson] {adv. cl.}, {informal} Very quickly; suddenly. – An overused phrase. Before I could say Jack Robinson, the boy was gone. Compare: IN A FLASH, RIGHT AWAY.

Значение идиомы drop a line

[drop a line] {v. phr.} To write someone a short letter or note. Please drop me a line when you get to Paris; I’d like to know that you’ve arrived safely.

Значение идиомы grease the wheels

[grease the wheels] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something or act tomake something go smoothly or happen in the way that is wanted. Mr. Davis asked a friend to grease the wheels so he

Перевод идиомы in the raw, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: in the raw Перевод: без прикрас, в неприукрашенном виде, в натуральном виде Пример: Politics in the raw is all about power and deal-making. Политика, без прикрас, вся основана на власти и сделках.

Значение идиомы hide one’s head in the sand

[hide one’s head in the sand] or [bury one’s head in the sand] or[have one’s head in the sand] To keep from seeing, knowing, orunderstanding something dangerous or unpleasant; to refuse to see orface

Значение идиомы carry a tune

[carry a tune] {v. phr.} To sing the right notes without catching any false ones. Al is a wonderful fellow, but he sure can’t carry a tune and his singing is a pain to

Перевод идиомы road hog, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: road hog Перевод: дорожный хам (человек, занимающий большую часть дороги и мешающий проезду) Пример: “Look at that road hog driving in the middle of the road and stopping other drivers from passing him.”
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