[inch along] {v. phr.} To. proceed slowly and withdifficulty. When the electricity failed, it took John half an hourto inch his way along the corridors of the office building.
[come through] {v.}, {informal} To be equal to a demand; meet trouble or a sudden need with success; satisfy a need. When the baseball team needed a hit, Willie came through with a double.
[impose on] {v.} To try to get more from than he or she intended to give. Don’t you think you areimposing on your neighbor when you use his telephone for half anhour? You may
Идиома: act high and mighty Перевод: вести себя влиятельно, надменно Пример: The woman always acts high and mighty and nobody likes her. Эта женщина всегда ведет себя надменно и влиятельно, и она никому не
[first class] {n.} 1. The first rank; the highest class; the bestgroup. The pianist was quite good but he was not in the firstclass. 2. The most expensive or comfortable class of travel; the
[keep the ball rolling] {v. phr.}, {informal} To keep up anactivity or action; not allow something that is happening to slow orstop. Clyde kept the ball rolling at the party by dancing with alamp
Идиома: have a good head on one’s shoulders Перевод: иметь хорошую, умную голову на плечах; быть умным, смышленым Пример: The new salesman has a good head on his shoulders. У нового продавца хорошая голова
Идиома: read someone his or her rights Перевод: зачитать кому-либо его права (во время ареста, задержания) Пример: The police officer read the bank robber his rights when he was arrested. Офицер полиции зачитал грабителю
[of one’s own accord] or [of one’s own free will] {adv. phr.}Without suggestion or help from anyone else; without being told;voluntarily. On her mother’s birthday, Betsy did the dishes of herown accord. But Johnny
[easy money] {n.}, {informal} Money gained without hard work; moneythat requires little or no effort. The movie rights to a successfulplay mean easy money to the writer of the play. Young people wholook for