Значение идиомы lace into
[lace into] or [tie into] {v.}, {informal} To attack physically orwith words; begin to hit or criticize. The boxer laced into hisopponent. The critics laced into the new movie. Syn.: LAY INTO, RIP INTO.
Значение идиомы pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire
[pull one’s chestnuts out of the fire] To do someone else a greatfavor which they don’t really deserve, doing oneself a disfavor in theprocess. Small countries often have to pull the chestnuts out ofthe
Значение идиомы up against
[up against] {prep. phr.} Blocked or threatened by. When sheapplied to medical school, the black woman wondered whether she was upagainst barriers of sex and race prejudice.
Перевод идиомы make peace with someone, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: make peace with someone Перевод: заключить мир с кем-либо, перестать ссориться с кем-либо Пример: The two sisters were finally able to make peace with each other. Две сестры, наконец, смогли перестать ссориться друг
Значение идиомы have nothing to do with
[have nothing to do with] {v. phr.} To not be involved with; notcare about. Our firm has nothing to do with oil from the Near East;we are interested in solar energy.
Значение идиомы set one’s sights
[set one’s sights] {v. phr.} 1. To want to reach; aim for. Johnhas set his sights higher than the job he has now. 2. To wish to getor win. Owen set his sights on
Значение идиомы lock the barn door after the horse is stolen
[lock the barn door after the horse is stolen] To be careful or tryto make something safe when it is too late. – A proverb. After Maryfailed the examination, she said she would study
Перевод идиомы in good time, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: in good time Перевод: заранее, заблаговременно Пример: I will try and get the information to you in good time so that you will be able to decide what to do. Я попытаюсь достать
Значение идиомы look like a million dollars
[look like a million dollars] {v. phr.}, {informal} To look welland prosperous; appear healthy and happy and lucky; look pretty andattractive. John came back from Florida driving a fine new car, tanned and glowing
Значение идиомы hold on to
[hold on to] {v. phr.} 1a. or [hold to] To continue to hold orkeep; hold tightly. When Jane played horse with her father, sheheld on to him tightly. The teacher said that if we