Значение идиомы off guard

[off guard] {adj.} In a careless attitude; not alert to comingdanger; not watching. In the second that the boxer was off guard, his opponent landed a knockout punch. Timmy s question caught Jeanoff guard,

Значение идиомы at length

[at length] {adv. phr.} 1. In detail; fully. You must study the subject at length to understand it. The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. 2. In the end; at

Перевод идиомы lay something at someone’s door, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: lay something at someone’s door Перевод: возлагать вину за что-либо на кого-либо; винить кого-либо за что-либо Пример: The error in the notice about the date of our next meeting must be laid at

Значение идиомы split the difference

[split the difference] {v. phr.}, {informal} To settle a moneydisagreement by dividing the difference, each person giving up half. Bob offered $25 for Bill’s bicycle and Bill wanted $35; they splitthe difference.

Перевод идиомы hit-and-run, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: hit-and-run Перевод: дорожное происшествие, когда водитель уезжает с места происшествия Пример: My sister was involved in a hit-and-run accident last Sunday afternoon. В прошлую субботу днем моя сестра попала в дорожное происшествие, и

Значение идиомы on the watch

[on the watch] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful. The customsinspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers. Mary was on thewatch for bargains at the auction. Compare: EYE OUT, LOOK OUT.

Значение идиомы at best

[at best] or [at the best] {adv. phr.} 1. Under the best conditions; as the best possibility. A coal miner’s job is dirty and dangerous at best. We can’t get to New York before

Значение идиомы on the side

[on the side] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In addition to a mainthing, amount or quantity; extra. He ordered a hamburger withonions and French fries on the side. His job at the hospital didnot pay

Значение идиомы bone up

[bone up] {v.}, {informal} To fill with information; try to learn a lot about something in a short time; study quickly. Carl was boning up for an examination. Jim had to make a class

Значение идиомы get wind of

[get wind of] {v. phr.} To get news of; hear rumors about; find outabout. The police got wind of the plans to rob the bank. Thecaptain didn’t want the sailors to get wind of
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