Значение идиомы blow hot and cold
[blow hot and cold] {v. phr.} To change your ways or likes often; be fickle or changeable. Tom blows hot and cold about coming out for the baseball team; he cannot decide. Mary blew
Значение идиомы crazy
[crazy] or [mad] or [nuts about] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Excessively fond of; infatuated with. Jack is totally nuts about Liz, but she is not too crazy about him.
Значение идиомы dose of one’s own medicine
[dose of one’s own medicine] or [taste of one’s own medicine] {n. phr.} Being treated in the same way you treat others; something bad done to you as you have done bad to other
Значение идиомы meet with
[meet with] {v.} 1. To meet, usually by accident. Inthe woods he met with two strangers. Syn.: COME UPON. 2. To meettogether, usually by plan; join; have a meeting with. The twoscouts met with
Значение идиомы main squeeze
[main squeeze] {n.}, {slang} 1. The top ranking person in anorganization or in a neighborhood; an important person, such as one’sboss. Mr. Bronchard is the main squeeze in this office. 2. The topperson in
Перевод идиомы get back together (with someone), значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: get back together (with someone) Перевод: возобновить отношения после разрыва Пример: The couple got back together after separating for three months. Эта пара снова вместе после трехмесячного разрыва.
Значение идиомы raw deal
[raw deal] {n. phr.} Unfair treatment; inequity. Barry got a rawdeal when he was sent to teach the class on advanced nuclear physics;he’s an inexperienced graduate student.
Перевод идиомы slap on the wrist, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: slap on the wrist Перевод: понести очень легкое наказание; слегка пожурили Пример: I thought I’d get a slap on the wrist for speeding, but I got fined $500. Я думал, меня лишь пожурят
Значение идиомы hot rod
[hot rod] {n.}, {informal} An older automobile changed so that itcan gain speed quickly and go very fast. Hot rods are used by youngpeople especially in drag racing.
Значение идиомы side against
[side against] {v.} To join or be on the side that is against;disagree with; oppose. Bill and Joe sided against me in theargument. We sided against the plan to go by plane. Contrast:SIDE WITH.