Перевод идиомы give someone or something the once-over, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: give someone or something the once-over Идиома: give someone or something the once-over разг. Перевод: бегло осмотреть кого-либо или что-либо Пример: We gave the man the once-over when he walked into the restaurant.

Значение идиомы look alive

[look alive] {v.} Act lively; be quick; wake up and work; be busy;hurry. – Often used as a command. “Look alive there,” the bosscalled.

Перевод идиомы a long shot, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: a long shot Перевод: маловероятное событие; что-либо, что маловероятно произойдет Пример: It was a long shot that he would get the job so he was very happy when he did get it. Было

Значение идиомы take the wind out of one’s sails

[take the wind out of one’s sails] {v. phr.} To surprise someone bydoing better or by catching him in an error. John came homeboasting about the fish he had caught; it took the wind

Значение идиомы glass jaw

[glass jaw] {n.}, {slang} The inability of a boxer to get a hardpunch on the jaw without being knocked out; a tendency to be knockedout easily. He would have been champion except for his

Перевод идиомы pull one’s weight, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: pull one’s weight Перевод: нести свою ношу, делать свою часть работы, делать свое дело Пример: “If everyone pulls their weight we can quickly finish and go home.” Если все будут делать свою часть

Значение идиомы toe the line

[toe the line] or [toe the mark] {v. phr.} To be very careful to dojust what you are supposed to do; obey the rules and do your duties. The new teacher will make Joe

Перевод идиомы in charge (of someone or something), значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: in charge (of someone or something) Перевод: быть во главе, быть главным Пример: He is in charge of the sales department at his company. Он возглавляет отдел по продажам в своей компании.

Значение идиомы for the birds

[for the birds] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Not interesting; dull; silly;foolish; stupid. I think history is for the birds. I saw thatmovie. It’s for the birds.

Значение идиомы up a tree

[up a tree] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Hunted or chased into a tree;treed. The dog drove the coon up a tree so the hunter could shoothim. 2. {informal} in trouble; having problems; in
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