Идиома: for better or worse Перевод: к лучшему или худшему, в зависимости от того, как, с какой стороны посмотреть на что-либо Пример: For better or worse I have decided to quit my job and
Идиома: come into fashion Перевод: войти в моду, стать модным Пример: My sister says that although bell-bottom pants have come into fashion again she will never wear them. Моя сестра говорит, что хоть клеши
[put in a word for] {v. phr.} To speak in favor of someone;recommend someone. “Don’t worry about your job application,” Samsaid to Tim. “I’ll put in a word for you with the selectioncommittee.”
[time is ripe] The best time has come for doing something. ThePrime Minister will hold elections when the time is ripe. Lee sawhis mother was upset, so he decided the time was not ripe
[in a circle] or [in circles] {adv. phr.} Without any progress;without getting anywhere; uselessly. The committee debated for twohours, just talking in circles. If you don’t have a clear aim, youcan work a long
Идиома: straight from the horse’s mouth Перевод: из первых уст; со слов того, кто был непосредственным участником чего-либо Пример: I heard about my friend’s wedding straight from the horse’s mouth. Я услышал о свадьбе
[at the eleventh hour] {prep. phr.} At the last possible time. Aunt Mathilda got married at the eleventh hour; after all, she was already 49 years old.
Идиома: get the day off / take the day off Перевод: получить выходной Пример: I hope to get the day off tomorrow so I can visit my grandfather in the hospital. Я надеюсь получить
[worth a cent] {adj. phr.} Worth anything; of any value. – Used innegative, interrogative, and conditional sentences. The book wasold and it was not worth a cent.
Идиома: rise to the occasion Перевод: быть на высоте положения Пример: Our teacher rose to the occasion and was able to give a very good speech at the banquet. Наш учитель был на высоте