Значение идиомы talent scout
[talent scout] {n. phr.} A person employed by a large organizationto seek out promising and gifted individuals. Gordon has beenworking as a talent scout for a television program. Compare: HEADHUNTING.
Значение идиомы cold shoulder
[cold shoulder] {n.}, {informal} Unfriendly treatment of a person, a showing of dislike for a person or of looking down on a person. – Used in the cliches “give the cold shoulder” or “turn
Перевод идиомы play the devil with something, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: play the devil with something Перевод: нарушить порядок, выполнение чего-либо, испортить что-либо Пример: A snowstorm played the devil with our plans. Пурга спутала наши планы.
Значение идиомы up a stump
[up a stump] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Stumped; blocked; mixed up orconfused in what you are trying to do. Jimmy knows how to add andsubtract but fractions have him up a stump.
Значение идиомы in shape
[in shape] or [in condition] {adj. phr.} In good condition; able toperform well. The football team will he in shape for the first gameof the season. Mary was putting her French in shape for
Значение идиомы lay about one
[lay about one] {v. phr.} To hit out in all directions. – Used witha reflexive object: “her”, “him”, or “them”. The bandits surroundedthe sheriff, but he laid about him so hard, with his gun
Перевод идиомы get carried away, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: get carried away Перевод: заходить слишком далеко; быть переполненным эмоциями или энтузиазмом; потерять контроль, рассудительность Пример: I got carried away yesterday and cleaned all of my apartment. Вчера я был так воодушевлен, что
Перевод идиомы once upon a time, значение выражения и пример использования
Идиома: once upon a time Перевод: однажды, давным-давно (часто употребляется в сказках) Пример: Once upon a time a beautiful princess lived in a castle in a small town. Давным-давно в одном замке в одном
Значение идиомы beat one’s head against a wall
[beat one’s head against a wall] {v. phr.} To struggle uselessly against something that can’t be beaten or helped; not succeed after trying very hard. Trying to make him change his mind is just
Значение идиомы buggy-whip
[buggy-whip] {n.}, {slang} An unusually long, thin radio antenna on a car that bends back like a whip when the car moves fast. He’s very impressed with himself ever since he got a buggy