After having their 11th child, an Alabama couple decided that was enough (they could not afford a larger double-wide). So, the husband went to his doctor (who also treated mules) and told him that he and his wife/cousin didn’t want to have any more children.
The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that could fix the problem. The doctor instructed him to go home, get a cherry bomb (fireworks are legal in ‘Bama), light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to his ear and count to 10.
The Alabamian said to the doctor, «I may not be the smartest man, but I don’t see how putting a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me.»
So, the couple drove to Georgia to get a second opinion. The Georgia physician was just about to tell them about the procedure for a vasectomy when he noticed that they were from Alabama. This doctor instead told the man to go home and get a cherry bomb, light it, place it in a beer can, hold it to his ear and count to 10.
Figuring that both learned physicians couldn’t be wrong, the man went home, lit a cherry bomb and put it in a beer can. He held the can up to his ear and began to count. «1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . . «, at which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs and resumed counting on his other hand…
Диалог по английскому языку 6 класс.
Достопримечательность москвы на английском.
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