About Myself (liana)
Let me introduce myself. My name is Liana. I’m thirteen. I was born the seventh of July. I’m study in the seventh grade. I live in Volsk. I have a younger brother and sister. My sister is twelve; she is studying in sixth grade. My brother is eight. he is in the second grade.
Most of my time I spend in school. I like physical training and English. I have many friends in and out of school. In my spare time I love to watch TV, listen to music. And I like to read books and draw.
More than anything, I love to travel. Last year I was with my mother and sister in Armenia. We visited museums, went to park, theater, church. My dream is to go to France. I prefer to deal with polite people. I appreciate honesty, kindness. I love meet new people, get to know their traditions and customs, their culture, to watch the sights. I also like the different styles of music.
I asked myself many times what I want to be when I finish school. I find it hard to give a definite answer. My intention is to have a successful career, to build the house of your dreams and to find someone to share all that I have in my life.





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