A salesman in a strange city was feeling horny and wanted release. He inquired for the address of a good house of ill repute. He was told to go to 225 West 42nd St. By mistake, he went to 255 West 42nd St, the office of a podiatrist. Being met by a beautiful woman in a white uniform surprised but intrigued him. She directed him to an examining room and told him to uncover and someone would be with him soon. He loved the thought of the table and the reclining chair and was really getting aroused because of the strange and different approach this house offered. Finally the doctor’s assistant, a really gorgeous redhead entered and found him sitting in the chair with his generous member in his hand. «My goodness», she exclaimed, «I was expecting to see a foot.» «Well,» he said, «if you’re going to complain about an inch then I’ll take my business elsewhere.»
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A salesman in a strange city was feeling horny