A Russian, an Italian and an Irishman got out of work and were deciding where to go for a drink. The Irishman said «Let’s all go to O’Learys. With every third round, the bartender will give each of us a free Guiness.» The Italian said «That sounds good, but if we go to Baldini’s with every third round they bring a free bottle of wine to the table.» The Russian said «That sounds fine but if we go to Gouvstof’s we drink for free all night and then go out into the parking lot and get laid.» «That sounds to good to be true!» the Irishman exclaimed. «Have you actually been there?» «No,» the Russian replied, «but my wife goes there all the time.»
Topic school uniform.
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A Russian, an Italian and an Irishman got out of work