A mother and daughter are sitting down over afternoon tea. The mother wants to show her daughter that she’s a hip parent and tries to get her daughter to open up and talk about dating boys and what it’s like for her. Mom: So….now that you have started dating, what’s it like getting intimate with young men? Daughter: Oh you know how it is, boys are always insensitive and never care if intimacy isn’t working for me. Mom: How? Daughter: Oh, stuff…. Mom: Really now, you can trust me. I think that its important for mothers and daughters to talk about these matters… Daughter: I don’t know….. Mom: Now don’t forget, I was a teenager once and I can remember what dating boys was like for me, believe I remember Daughter: Really? Mom: Really… Daughter: Ok, for starters, how did you get their cum out of your eyes?
I would like to tell you about my college перевод.
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A mother-daughter conversation