A marine general, an army general and a navy admiral were discussing who had the toughest men. The army general says, «Alright, I’ll prove the army has the toughest men in the country. Private, get over here!» The private reports as ordered, «Yes sir?» The general says, «See that man over there? Kill him!» Without hesitating, the private kills the man. The general says, «See? That man has balls!» The marine general says, That’s nothing. Private, get over here!» The marine private reports, «Yes, sir?» The marine general says, «See that man over there? Kill him and then kill yourself.» Without blinking, the marine private pulls out his M-16 and blows away the guy, then turns the rifle on himself and unloads several rounds. The marine general says, «See? Now that man has balls!» The admiral says, «That’s nothing.» He calls to a seaman high up on a tower, «Hey, seaman, jump off that tower!» The seaman answers, «Excuse me, sir?» The admiral repeats, «JUMP OFF THAT TOWER!» The seaman replies, «Fuck you, sir!» The admiral says, «See? That man has balls and he’s got brains too!»
Сочинение на английском о вымирающем животном.
Celebrations in the usa.
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A marine general, an army general and a navy admiral