A man stops by a diner at noon, the busiest time of day, sits down at the counter and asks for a cup of coffee. The waitress, who is very busy, gives him his coffee and rushes off to help the numerous customers having lunch at the diner. The man, who uses both creamer and sugar in his coffee, notices that the container is empty. As the waitress rushes by, he asks her to bring him cream and sugar for his coffee. The waitress, busier than she can ever remember being before, rushes to the back to pick up more orders. As she passes the cabinet where the extra sugar and cream are kept, she sets a plate down and puts sugar cubes and creamer packets in her bosom because both her hands are full. After she has served the two plates she was holding, she returns to the man and asks him, «How many sugar cubes did you want in your coffee?»
The man says, «Two’s fine.»
She reaches into her bra, pulls out two sugar cubes and drops them into his cup. «And cream?» she asks.
The man looks at her, squarely in the eye and says, «You wouldn’t dare!»
Топик музыка в моей жизни.
Choosing a career тема по английскому.
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A man stops by a diner at noon