A famous hypnotist was performing in a large auditorium full of students one night. He began to speak in a soft and steady voice over the loud-speaker system. «Listen to the sound of my voice…», he kept repeating, «the sound of my voice… every word is a command… the sound of my voice…» Pretty soon, he had every single student in the audience completely mesmerized, each one hanging on his every word.
Needing to take a quick piss, he announced «I will have to leave the stage for a moment, but you will all remain in a trance while I am gone» And then he repeated the words «the sound of my voice… every word is a command.» As he turned to go, he tripped over the microphone cord, landed on his butt, and yelled «SHIT!»
Биография моцарта на английском языке.
Zoos топик.
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A famous hypnotist was performing in a large auditorium