[well and good] {adj. phr.} Good; satisfactory.
If my daughterfinishes high school, I will call that well and good.
— Often usedwithout a verb to show agreement or understanding.
Well and good; Iwill come to your house tomorrow.
My house topic.
Families can often have.
Related topics:
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- Значение идиомы say the word[say the word] {v. phr.}, {informal} To say or show that you wantsomething or agree to something; show a wish, willingness, orreadiness; give a sign; say yes; say so. Just say the word and Iwill lend you the money. I will do anything you want; just say theword. If you get tired of those pictures, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы hang together[hang together] {v.} 1. To stay united; help and defend oneanother. The club members always hung together when one of them wasin trouble. Syn.: STICK TOGETHER. Compare: STAND BY, STAND UP FOR. 2.{informal} To form a satisfactory whole; fit together. Jack’s storyof why he was absent from school seems to hang together....
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- Значение идиомы in one’s favor[in one’s favor] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In a way that is good foryou. Both teams claimed the point, but the referee decided in ourfavor. Bob made good grades in high school, and that was in hisfavor when he looked for a job. Compare: COME ONE’S WAY....
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- Значение идиомы no deal[no deal] or [no dice] or [no go] or [no sale] or [no soap] {slang}Not agreed to; refused or useless; without success or result; no;certainly not. — Used in the predicate or to refuse something. Billy wanted to let Bob join the team, but I said that it was no dealbecause Bob was too young. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы high-and-mighty[high-and-mighty] {adj.}, {informal} Feeling more important orsuperior to someone else; too proud of yourself. John wasn’tinvited to the party, because he acted too high-and-mighty. Marybecome high-and-mighty when she won the prize, and Joan would not goaround with her any more. Compare: STUCK-UP....
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- Значение идиомы you’re telling me[you’re telling me] {interj.}, {informal} — Used to show that athing is so clear that it need not be said, or just to show strongagreement. «You’re late.» «You’re telling me!» Compare: YOU BET, YOU SAID IT....
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Значение идиомы well and good