[until hell freezes over] {adv. phr.}, {slang} Forever, for aneternity.
He can argue until hell freezes over; nobody will believehim.
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- Значение идиомы good egg[good egg] {slang} or {informal} [good scout] {n. phr.} A friendly, kind or good-natured person, a nice fellow. Tommy is such a goodegg that everybody wants to be his friend. Syn.: REGULAR GUY. Contrast: BAD EGG....
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- Temperatures and What They Mean40 Californians shiver uncontrollably, Minnesotans go swimming. 35 Italian cars don’t start. 32 Water freezes. 30 You can see your breath. Politicians begin to worry about the Homeless. 25 Boston water freezes. Cat insists on sleeping on your bed with you. 20 Californians weep pitiably, Minnesotans eat ice cream. You can hear your breath. 15 ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы until hell freezes over