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Значение идиомы the matter
[the matter] {adj.} Not as it should be; wrong. – Used in questionsor with negatives or “if”.
Why don’t you answer me? What’s thematter?
John may be slow in arithmetic, but nothing’s the matterwith his pitching arm.
If anything is the matter, please tell me.
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- Значение идиомы no use[no use] {n.} 1. No purpose; no object; no gain. There’s no usein crying about your broken bicycle. Bob said, “Let’s try again.”Dick answered, “It’s no use.” 2. Bad opinion; no respect; no liking.- Usually used after “have”. He had no use for dogs after a dog bithim. Jimmy had no use for arithmetic because […]...
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- Значение идиомы in a sense[in a sense] {adv. phr.} In some ways but not in all; somewhat. Mr. Smith said our school is the best in the state, and in a sensethat is true. In a sense, arithmetic is a language....