[the likes of] {informal} Something like or similar to; somethingof the same kind as.
I have never seen the likes of John.
Itwas a chocolate sundae the likes of which Mary would never see again.
Найти русский аналог идиомы the grass is always.
Сочинение to be a vet.
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- Значение идиомы work out[work out] {v. phr.} 1. To find an answer to. John worked outhis math problems all by himself. Mary had trouble getting alongwith her roommate, but they worked it out. Compare: FIGURE OUT. 2. Toplan; develop. Mary worked out a beautiful design for a sweater. Alice worked out a new hair-do. 3. To accomplish; arrange. ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы the likes of