[tax trap] {n.}, {informal} Predicament in which taxpayers inmiddle-income brackets are required to pay steeply progressive ratesof taxation as their earnings rise with inflation but their personalexemptions remain fixed, resulting in a loss of real disposableincome.
Everybody in my neighborhood has been caught in a taxtrap.
Путешествие на машине плюсы и минусы на английском.
Биография пушкина на английском языке с переводом 6 класс.
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- Перевод слова remainRemain — оставаться, сохраняться Перевод слова If you take 3 from 8, 5 remains — если от 8 отнять 3, получится 5 let it remain as it is — пусть все останется как есть to remain at home — остаться дома to remain silent — хранить молчание We Remained friends. Мы остались друзьями. My parents ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы Rise and shine!, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: Rise and shine! Перевод: Проснись и пой! Быстро вставай и собирайся! (используется, когда будят кого-либо) Пример: «Rise and shine!» my father called to me in the morning. «Проснись и пой!» призывал меня отец утром....
- Значение идиомы go like clockwork[go like clockwork] or [go off like clockwork] {v. phr.},{informal} To run smoothly and regularly like the workings of a clock;go smoothly and without difficulty; go on time or as planned. Thecar’s motor went like clockwork after Bob fixed it. The birthdayparty went off like clockwork and everyone had a good time....
- Значение идиомы urban homesteading[urban homesteading] {n.}, {informal} Renovation and occupationthrough cooperative ownership by tenants of previously abandoned cityapartment buildings. Urban homesteading is on the rise in many bigAmerican cities these days....
- Значение идиомы come up in the world[come up in the world] or [rise in the world] {v. phr.} To gain success, wealth, or importance in life; rise to a position of greater wealth or importance. He had come up in the world since he peddled his wife’s baked goods from a pushcart. Compare: GET AHEAD. Contrast: COME DOWN IN THE WORLD....
- Значение идиомы let loose[let loose] {v.} 1a. or [set loose] or [turn loose] To set free;loosen or give up your hold on. The farmer opened the gate and letthe bull loose in the pasture. They turned the balloon loose tolet it rise in the air. 1b. or [turn loose] To give freedom to do something; to allow to ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы stand up[stand up] {v.} 1. To rise to a standing position; get up on yourfeet. A gentleman stands up when a lady enters a room. 2. To bestrong enough to use hard or for a long time. A rocket must bebuilt strongly to stand up under the blast-off. The old car hasalready stood up for twenty ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы pull strings[pull strings] or [pull wires] {v. phr.}, {informal} To secretlyuse influence and power, especially with people in charge or inimportant jobs to do or get something; make use of friends to gainyour wishes. If you want to see the governor, Mr. Root can pullstrings for you. Jack pulled wires and got us a room at ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы to date[to date] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Up to the present time; until now. To date twenty students have been accepted into the school. Thepolice have not found the runaway to date. Jim is shoveling snowto earn money, but his earnings to date are small. Syn.: SO FAR....
Значение идиомы tax trap