Home ⇒ 📌Английские идиомы ⇒ Значение идиомы stand on one’s own feet
Значение идиомы stand on one’s own feet
[stand on one’s own feet] or [stand on one’s own two feet] {v. phr.} To depend on yourself; do things yourself; earn your own living;be independent.
After his father died, John had to stand on his ownfeet and earn his own living.
You should learn to stand on yourown two feet.
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- Значение идиомы feet on the ground[feet on the ground] {n. phr.} An understanding of what can bedone; sensible ideas. Used with a possessive. John has his feet onthe ground; he knows he cannot learn everything at once. Teddreams of sudden riches, but Henry keeps his feet on the ground andexpects to work for his money. Mrs. Smith was a dreamer, […]...
- Значение идиомы on one’s feet[on one’s feet] {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting orlying down; up. Before the teacher finished asking the question, George was on his feet ready to answer it. In a busy gasolinestation, the attendant is on his feet all day. Compare: TO ONE’SFEET. Contrast: OFF ONE’S FEET. 2. Recovering; getting better fromsickness or […]...
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- Значение идиомы keep one’s feet[keep one’s feet] {v. phr.} To keep from falling or slipping down;keep your balance; remain standing. The boy stumbled on the stairsbut was able to keep his feet. Compare: REGAIN ONE’S FEET....
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- Значение идиомы stand up and be counted[stand up and be counted] {v. phr.} To be willing to say what youthink in public; let people know that you are for or againstsomething. The equal rights movement needs people who are willingto stand up and be counted. If you disagree with the group, youshould be ready to stand up and be counted....
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- Значение идиомы let grass grow under one’s feet[let grass grow under one’s feet] {v. phr.} To be idle; be lazy;waste time. – Used in negative, conditional, and interrogativesentences. The new boy joined the football team, made the honorroll, and found a girlfriend during the first month of school. Hecertainly did not let any grass grow under his feet....
- Перевод идиомы keep one’s feet on the ground, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: keep one’s feet on the ground Перевод: твердо стоять на ногах; оставаться спокойным, уравновешенным, здравомыслящим Пример: My friend has lost his job but he is trying hard to keep his feet on the ground. Мой друг потерял работу, но он очень старается сохранять спокойствие и уверенность....
- Перевод идиомы at someone’s feet, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: at someone’s feet Перевод: под влиянием кого-либо, под чьей-либо властью Пример: The professor was very popular among the students, and a lot of them were at his feet. Профессор пользовался большой популярностью у студентов, и многие из них находились под его влиянием....