[shore up] {v.} To add support to where weakness isshown; make stronger where support is needed; support.
When the flood waters weakened the bridge, it was shored up withsteel beams and sandbags until it could be rebuilt.
The coach sentin a substitute guard to shore up the line when Fitchburg began tobreak through.
Топик на английском my house.
A hobby makes your life much more interesting.
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- Значение идиомы trade on[trade on] {v.} To use as a way of helping yourself. The coachtraded on the pitcher’s weakness for left-handed batters by using allhis southpaws. The senator’s son traded on his father’s name whenhe ran for mayor....
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- Значение идиомы stand by[stand by] {v.} 1. To be close beside or near. Mary could nottell Jane the secret with her little brother standing by. Wouldyou just stand by and watch the big boys beat your little brother? 2.To be near, waiting to do something when needed. The policeman inthe patrol car radioed the station about the robbery, ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы shore up