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- Значение идиомы get the sack[get the sack] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To be fired or dismissed fromwork. John got the sack at the factory last week. 2. To be told byone’s lover that the relationship is over. Joanna gave Sam thesack. See: GET THE AX and GET THE BOUNCE....
- Значение идиомы sack in outSack in Out [sack in Out] {v.}, {slang} To go to sleep for a prolonged period. Where are you guys going to sackin Sack out?...
- Перевод слова sackSack — мешок, пакет; класть в мешок; увольнять Перевод слова Refuse sack — мешок для отходов to buy a cat in the sack — покупать кота в мешке to sack potatoes — насыпать картофель в мешки to sack an employee — уволить сотрудника I got the Sack from work. Меня уволили с работы. He was ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give the bounce[give the bounce] or [give the gate] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. or [givethe air] To stop being a friend or lover to ; separate from. Mary gave John the bounce after she saw him dating another girl. Bill and Jane had an argument and Bill is giving her the gate. 2. or[give the sack] also ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get the bounce[get the bounce] or [get the gate] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. or [getthe air] To lose one’s sweetheart; not be kept for a friend or lover. Joe is sad because he just got the gate from his girl. Shirleywas afraid she might get the air from her boyfriend if she went outwith other boys while ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы leave holding the bag[leave holding the bag] or [leave holding the sack] {v. phr.},{informal} 1. To cause not to have something needed; leavewithout anything, In the rush for seats, Joe was left holding thebag. 2. To force to take the whole responsibility or blamefor something that others should share. When the ball hit theglass, the team scattered and ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы leave someone holding the bag / leave someone holding the baby, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: leave someone holding the bag / leave someone holding the baby Перевод: переложить на кого-либо ответственность, вину; сделать крайним кого-либо Пример: My friend left me holding the bag when he left the accident. Мой друг переложил всю вину на меня, когда покинул место происшествия....
- Перевод сленгового выражения bounce, значение и пример использованияСленговое выражение: bounce Перевод: уходить Синоним: slip Пример: We’ve got to bounce — my friend Charlie is having a big party. Нам нужно идти — мой друг Чарли устраивает большую вечеринку. I’m going to bounce. I have to get up early tomorrow. Я пойду. Мне завтра рано вставать....
- Значение идиомы hit the hay[hit the hay] or [hit the sack] {v. phr.}, {slang} To go to bed. The men hit the hay early, in order to be out hunting at dawn. Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper....
- Значение идиомы use up[use up] {v. phr.} 1. To use until nothing is left; spend orconsume completely. Don’t use up all the soap. Leave me some towash with. Jack used up his last dollar to see the movies. Compare: GIVE OUT. 2. {informal} To tire completely; make verytired; exhaust; leave no strength or force in. — Usually used ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы all out[all out] {adv. phr.}, {informal} With all your strength, power, or determination; to the best of your ability; without holding back. -Usually used in the phrase «go all out». We went all out to win the game. John went all out to finish the job and was very tired afterwards. Compare: ALL THE WAY 2, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы take one’s leave[take one’s leave] or [take leave of] {v. phr.}, {formal} To saygood-bye and leave. He stayed on after most of the guests had takentheir leave. The messenger bowed and took leave of the queen. -[leave-taking] {n.} The end of school in June is a time ofleave-taking....
- Значение идиомы take leave of[take leave of] {v. phr.} I. To abandon, go away from, or becomeseparated from. — Usually used in the phrase «take leave of one’ssenses». Come down from the roof, Billy! Have you taken leave ofyour senses? 2. See: TAKE ONE’S LEAVE....
- Значение идиомы take French leave[take French leave] {v. phr.} To leave secretly; abscond. Theparty was so boring that we decided to take French leave. Whilethe Smith family was in Europe, the house-sitter packed up all thesilver and took French leave. See: SLIP AWAY....
- Значение идиомы give up[give up] {v.} 1a. To stop trying to keep; surrender; yield. Thedog had the ball in his mouth and wouldn’t give it up. Jimmy isgiving up his job as a newsboy when he goes back to school. Compare:GIVE ONESELF UP, HAND OVER, LET GO. Contrast: HOLD ON TO. 1b. Toallow; permit. Ford gave up two ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы allow for[allow for] {v.} To provide for; leave room for; give a chance to; permit. She cut the skirt four inches longer to allow for a wide hem. Democracy allows for many differences of opinion....
- Значение идиомы delta wave[delta wave] {n.}, {informal}, {semi-technical} A brain wave 1-3 cycles per second, associated with very deep sleep. Good night, honey, I’m off to produce some delta waves. Compare: CATCH SOME Z’S, HIT THE HAY or HIT THE SACK....
- Значение идиомы leave in the lurch[leave in the lurch] {v. phr.} To desert or leave alone in trouble;refuse to help or support. The town bully caught Eddie, and Tomleft him in the lurch. Bill quit his job, leaving his boss in thelurch. Compare: LEAVE FLAT, HIGH AND DRY, WALK OUT....
- Значение идиомы walk out[walk out] {v.} 1. To go on strike. When the company would notgive them higher pay, the workers walked out. 2. To leave suddenly;especially to desert. He didn’t say he wasn’t coming back; he justwalked out. — Often used informally with «on». The man walked outon his wife and children. Compare: LEAVE FLAT, LEAVE IN ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give one’s due[give one’s due] {v. phr.} To be fair to, give creditthat deserves. The boxer who lost gave the new championhis due. We should give a good worker his due. Compare: GIVE THEDEVIL HIS DUE....
- Значение идиомы leave flat[leave flat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To quit or leave suddenlywithout warning when wanted or needed; desert; forsake; abandon. Sam found that being a member of the trail-clearing group was a lotof hard work, so he left them flat. My car ran out of gas and leftme flat, ten miles from town. Compare: LEAVE IN THE ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы check out[check out] {v.} 1a. To pay your hotel bill and leave. The last guests checked out of their rooms in the morning. Contrast: CHECK IN. 1b. {informal} To go away; leave. I hoped our guest would stay but he had to check out before Monday. Compare: CHECK IN. 2a. To make a list or record ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give it to[give it to] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To give punishment to; beat. The crowd yelled for the wrestler to give it to his opponent. Syn.: LET HAVE IT. 2. To scold. Jerry’s mother gave it to him forcoming home late. Compare: GIVE A PIECE OF ONE’S MIND, LACE INTO. Contrast: CATCH IT....
- Значение идиомы leave it at that[leave it at that] {v. phr.} To avoid further and more acrimoniousdisagreement; not argue or discuss any further. Our opinion onhealth care is obviously different, so let’s just leave it at that....
- Значение идиомы leave word with[leave word with] {v. phr.} To leave a message. Hank left wordwith his secretary where he could be reached by phone while he wasaway from his office....
- Значение идиомы leave behind[leave behind] {v. phr.} 1. Abandon. Refugees on the run mustsometimes leave old and sick people behind. 2. To forget; go awaywithout. We had reached our car when we noticed that we had leftour keys behind....
- Перевод слова leaveLeave — разрешение; отпуск; уходить, уезжать, покидать Перевод слова Leave of court — разрешение суда six months’ leave — шестимесячный отпуск to take leave of one’s friends — попрощаться с друзьями to leave the room — выйти из комнаты to leave a gap — оставлять промежуток Did you Leave a tip? Ты оставил чаевые? I ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы about to[about to] 1. Close to; ready to. — Used with an infinitive. We were about to leave when the snow began. I haven’t gone yet, but I’m about to. Compare: GOING TO, ON THE POINT OF. 2. {informal} Having a wish or plan to. — Used with an infinitive in negative sentences. Freddy wasn’t about ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы beat up[beat up] {v.}, {informal} To give a hard beating to; hit hard and much; thrash; whip. When the new boy first came, he had to beat up several neighborhood bullies before they would leave him alone. — Used with «on» in substandard speech. The tough boy said to Bill, «If you come around here again, ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give one a ring[give one a ring] also {informal} [give a buzz] To call on thetelephone. Mrs. Jacobs promised to give her husband a ring in theafternoon. Alice will give her friend a buzz tonight....
- Значение идиомы leave off[leave off] {v.} To come or put to an end; stop. There is a highfence where the school yard leaves off and the woods begin. Dontold the boys to leave off teasing his little brother. Marion puta marker in her book so that she would know where she left off. Contrast: TAKE UP....
- Значение идиомы skip out[skip out] {v.}, {informal} To leave in a hurry; especially aftercheating or taking money dishonestly; sneak away; leave withoutpermission. The man skipped out of the hotel without paying hisbill. «How did you get out of the house after supper, Harry? » «Iskipped out!»...
- Значение идиомы take off[take off] {v. phr.} 1a. To leave fast; depart suddenly; run away. The dog took off after a rabbit. Compare: LIGHT OUT. 1b.{informal} To go away; leave. The six boys got into the car andtook off for the drug store. 2. To leave on a flight, begin going up. A helicopter is able to take ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы part with[part with] {v.} 1. To separate from; leave. He parted with usat the end of the trip. Compare: PART COMPANY. 2. To let go. Theywere sorry to part with the old house. He had to part with hissecretary when she got married. Compare: GIVE UP....
- Значение идиомы give off[give off] {v.} To send out; let out; put forth. Rotten eggsgive off a bad smell. Burning leaves give off thick smoke. Syn.:GIVE OUT....
- Значение идиомы hand down[hand down] {v.} To arrange to give or leave after, death. Joewill have his father’s gold watch because it is handed down in thefamily. In old times, property was usually handed down to theoldest son at his father’s death. Compare: PASS ON....
- Значение идиомы give a hard time[give a hard time] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To give trouble by whatyou do or say; complain. Jane gave her mother a hard time on thebus by fighting with her sister and screaming. Don’t give me ahard time, George. I’m doing my best on this job. Compare: GIVE FITS.2. To get in the way by ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы give of oneself[give of oneself] {v. phr.}, {literary} To give your time andeffort to help others. You should give of yourself sometimes. During World War II, Governor Baldwin gave of himself by sweeping thehalls of a hospital every afternoon....
- Значение идиомы French leave[French leave] {n.} The act of slipping away from a place secretlyand without saying good-bye to anyone. «It’s getting late,» Robwhispered to Janet. «Let’s take French leave and get out of here.»...
Значение идиомы sack