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Значение идиомы read into
[read into] {v. phr.} To attribute extra meaning to; deduce from;consider to be implicit in.
Just because Fred’s letters sounded sofriendly Mary was wrong to read anything serious into them.
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- Значение идиомы say a mouthful[say a mouthful] 1. {v. phr.}, {slang} To say something of greatimportance or meaning; say more by a sentence than the words usuallymean. – Usually in past tense. Tom said a mouthful when he guessedthat company was coming to visit. A dozen people came. 2. {v. phr.},{informal} To vent one’s honest opinion, even in anger. […]...
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- Значение идиомы in consideration of[in consideration of] {adv. phr.} 1. After thinking about andweighing; because of. IN consideration of the boy’s young age, thejudge did not put him in jail for carrying a gun. 2. In exchange for;because of; in payment for. In consideration of the extra work Joehad done, his boss gave him an extra week’s pay. Compare: […]...
- The Book I’ve Just ReadВ топике Книга, которую я только что прочитал – я пересказываю содержание рассказа “Лорд Маунтдраго” Уильяма Сомерсета Моэма. Это история из практики доктора Одлина, профессионального психоаналитика с богатым опытом. Именно к нему обращается с необычной проблемой Лорд Маунтдраго. За все 15 лет своей практики, доктор никогда не сталкивался с более загадочным случаем, который происходит с […]...
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