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Значение идиомы raise funds
[raise funds] or [money] {v. phr.} To solicit donations for acharity or a specific project.
Our church is trying to raise thefunds for a new organ.
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- Упражнения на проблемные глаголы to lie, to lay, to sit, to set, to rise, to raise, to find, to found (с ответами)1. Напишите три формы каждого глагола (Past Simple и Past Participle). To lie (лежать) – To lay (класть, стелить) – To lie (врать) – To rise (подниматься) To raise (поднимать, воспитывать) – To sit (сидеть) – To set (ставить, устанавливать) – To find (находить) – To found (основать) – 2. Используйте глагол to lie или […]...
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- OrganQ: Why are organists like a broken-winded cab horse? A: They are always longing for another stop. Q: Why are a organist’s fingers like lightning? A: Because they rarely strike the same place twice. Q: What do you get if you throw a piano down a mine shaft? A: A flat miner. Q: What do […]...
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