[radio ham] {n. phr.} Someone whose hobby is the operating ofshortwave radio.
The code letters C. Q. are used by radio hams toinvite other radio hams to join in the conversation.
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Упражнения второго типа с ответами.
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- Значение идиомы throw in[throw in] {v.} 1. To give or put in as an addition; to give to orwith something else. John threw in a couple of tires when he soldBill his bicycle. Mary and Tess were talking about the prom, andJoan threw in that she was going with Fred. Compare: FOR GOODMEASURE. 2. To push into operating ... Читать далее...
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- Software Development Process1) Order the T-shirts for the Development team 2) Announce availability 3) Write the code 4) Write the manual 5) Hire a Product Manager 6) Spec the software (writing the specs after the code helps to ensure that the software meets the specifications) 7) Ship 8) Test (the customers are a big help here) 9) ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы radio ham