[pinch-hit] {v.} 1. To substitute for another player at bat in abaseball game.
Smith was sent in to pinch-hit for Jones.
2.{informal} To act for a while, or in an emergency, for another person;take someone’s place for a while.
I asked him to pinch-hit for mewhile I was away.
The president of the City Council pinch-hits forthe mayor when the mayor is out of town.
— [pinch-hitter] {n.}
Jones was hit by a pitched ball and Smith came in as a pinch-hitter.
When our teacher was sick, Mrs. Harris was called as apinch-hitter.
— [pinch-hitting] {adj.} or {n.}
Pinch-hitting foranother teacher is a hard job.
If i were a director of school.
Developing of telecommunications.
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Значение идиомы pinch-hit